Local Prospecting Tool

Local Prospecting Tool

How it Works

Search for Local Businesses in Your Area.

Targeting a particular niche like restaurants or painters? No problem. With the Local Prospecting Tool you can drill down to specific industries by using the keyword / industry search option. Or simply leave it blank to browse all businesses in your area.

Discover Which Businesses Do and DON’T Have a Website

Find your ideal customer by discovering which businesses do or don’t have a website. Our Local Prospecting Tool delivers a long list of nearby businesses complete with their contact information and whether or not they currently have a website.

Remember, just because a business currently has a website, doesn’t mean they don’t need a new one. Be sure to check out any existing websites to see which are due for a redesign..

You Can Even Check to See Which Sites are NOT Mobile Optimized

Just because a business has a website, doesn’t mean it’s mobile optimized. With nearly half of all web searches coming from a mobile device, having a mobile-friendly website is absolutely essential for businesses. With our Local Prospecting Tool, you can quickly and easily check which sites are mobile friendly, and which are not, and see a live preview of how they look on mobile! You can even download a screenshot of the mobile view to emphasize how much your clients need a mobile-optimized site.
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Create Ready-to-Sell

Create Ready-to-Sell Demo Sites with Just 1 Click!

Now that you identified which businesses need a website, you can create live demo sites with just a few clicks. Simply click “Create Site” next to the business name and choose from one of our professionally designed industry-specific themes. In seconds, the justsocial Website Builder creates a fully-functional website specifically designed for each business.

The Local Prospecting Tool is Available on our Agency & Pro Plans